
We live in a global community and technology is the great facilitator. As learners, adults and children require a global network at school, home and work. Our job at McGehee is to teach students how to learn to use all the tools technology has to offer, as well as how to use technology appropriately, respectfully and intelligently so they are in control instead of being controlled by technology. 

From the start, we talk to our girls about being good digital citizens as well as how to create a positive digital footprint. We teach them how to judge which sources on the internet are credible and how to use the internet safely and wisely. Our approach allows technology to enhance our curriculum by allowing our girls to be global citizens, building community and connections.

student on laptop

Lower School

In Pre-Kindergarten through first grade, our students use iPads in the classroom. In second through fourth grade, students begin using the Google Suite of educational applications for content creation and sharing. The classroom focus is not only on the best application of these tools, but also on safety and positive behavior when using the Internet.

lower school science students

middle school students on laptops

Middle School

The Middle School has a 1:1 Chromebook program. In addition, Middle School students have access to iPads, iTouches, and video equipment for creation and production activities. Students also are scheduled twice during a rotation for 50-70 minute in our maker lab, the Creation Station.

Upper School

Upper School students are taught to think critically, take risks, and seek facts. They are given more latitude to explore new apps, platforms, and use of social media to extend their learning. In their junior year students create a digital portfolio by using a free website builder. The portfolio serves as a web-based collection capturing their learning, projects and creativity.

upper school student on laptop