Tinker Studio

The Tinker Studio is a unique space providing an environment that offers opportunities for all types of MAKING. We believe that Tinkering is a language. It’s how we think with our hands. It’s the way we learn by doing.

Here children can:

  • Create, build and design with wire, clay, tape, scissors, cardboard, paper & repurposed materials.
  • Complete simple circuits to enhance their inventions with lights and motors.
  • Become knowledgeable about how to use simple tools through hands on experience.
  • Develop grit and resilience while trying again and again to make their chain reactions successful.
  • Explore with magnets, wind and water to make predictions and build ideas.
  • Paint, sketch and design images with pastels, watercolors, sponges, stamps, and pencils.
  • Imagine and explore with pipes and bamboo to create irrigation for our garden while assisting with planting, growing and harvesting of veggies.

Our Tinker Studio encourages children to MAKE without having to follow a rule book. They gain knowledge and understanding of a variety of tools and materials, creating their own outcome and making their dreams a reality.