Program for Two Year Olds

Our two year olds are developmentally ready to engage in activities that leave them questioning ideas and wondering about new ones. They expand their self-help fine motor skills, leading to future independence and utilize their gross motor skills taking safe risks and interact socially while playing. At two they are seeing the world through new eyes and are ready to experiment and explore.

Our children are served a healthy morning snack provided by the school's dining services. Their day includes family-style, lunch time followed by an approximate two hour rest time in their classroom. Starting in August 2023, the school is partnering with SAGE Dining Services, and all of our families  (except for those in the infant program) will participate. We will no longer offer an "opt in" service for our students, which allows us to offer a wider variety of healthy food choices and complete meals, all prepared on site, by scratch, by our personal chef. We provide a daily afternoon snack following rest time.

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Program Options

5 days a week Full Day (M-F) 
3 days a week Full Day (M,W,F)
2 days a week Full Day (T,TH)
2 days a week Half Day (T,TH)

Full Day: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Half Day: 7:50 - 11:30 a.m. 

Afterschool and Enrichment Program

The Afterschool and Enrichment Program is available from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. with the exception of early dismissal days on Wednesdays. Wednesday Afterschool and Enrichment Program is from 2:30 - 5:30 p.m.

All students are eligible to stay for the Afterschool and Enrichment Program on their regularly scheduled days of school. Afterschool and Enrichment Program is intended to be a less structured, relaxing environment where the children enjoy playing in several of our outdoor environments. The children may also participate in art activities, games, outdoor play and are given an afternoon snack.