Program for Infants

Our private infant program is two classes split by age and development. Each class has two lead teachers, both sharing a full time third teacher for additional support. We offer a safe environment that nurtures each child by promoting and tracking development while carefully supporting a group care community setting.  We introduce our Reggio inspired philosophy at this age by embracing the natural environment around us and utilizing our beautiful campus to engage in natural play. Our teachers set a predictable schedule that allows for individual attention to feeding and sleeping schedules as well as time for age appropriate play. Our infants are given time to explore independence whether through using utensils and beginning to scribble when appropriate or by rolling over and reaching for a desired object. Communication and collaboration between our teachers and families are a key component to a successful experience for your child. We use the Brightwheel communication app to deliver real time updates on the children's day.

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Program Options

5 days a week Full Day (M-F) 

Full Day: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Extended Full Day: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.