Equitable Community

Little Gate is a non denominational preschool program that equally celebrates the faith and cultural traditions of all of our Little Gate friends and faculty. We encourage an inclusive environment ensuring that the information that we present is age appropriate, relevant, and meaningful to our current families. We embrace diversity and lay a foundation that supports positive self awareness and caring social interactions.  We highlight the foundation of each unique experience that runs as a common thread throughout such as light, unity, community, and family.

Our classes experience cultural snacks, decorations, games, books, and traditional rituals that are meaningful to our community. Children are eating matzah, learning a dragon dance, throwing Holi colored powder, playing in the King’s Day marketplace and setting up a Half Seen Table to name a few. We plan all of these based on the feedback and guidance of our families.  We feel that this exposure to a variety of cultures, traditions and faith practices enhances a young child's ability to treat each person they encounter with respect and understanding.