Why McGehee?

It is a question our prospective families ask us all the time—Why McGehee?

You might assume it’s because of our advanced curriculum, and the deep expertise of the teachers and staff who guide it.

You might guess it’s because of our legendary alumnae sisterhood, its leaders and changemakers reshaping communities, industries, and decades.

You might even imagine it’s because of the design of our campus, each building’s distinctive architecture revealing itself across an entire city block gilded with tree shade and greenspace.

But we believe the most remarkable thing about McGehee is something else entirely.

We believe it is the incredible growth that occurs between a girl’s first day here as a student, and her last day as an alumna-to-be.

Her transformation.

This is different for every girl—and we do mean every girl.

middle school students with little gate student

middle school students

For some girls, their transformation at McGehee is seismic. We will help her cultivate a broad set of skills and knowledge and characteristics, and we will systemically add to this growing toolbox year after year (after year).

For other girls, their transformation here is more subtle. We will identify and enhance something already present in her young heart and mind, and we’ll nurture it through increasingly curated classes and individualized co-curricular experiences.

So maybe the most remarkable thing about McGehee isn’t about McGehee at all. It’s about our girls—

Girls who open their minds.

Girls who choose us over I.

Girls who stay true to themselves.

Girls who never stop learning.

Girls who are transforming.

—and the leading women they become.

upper school student