Kendall Joseph

College Choice: University of Georgia

Student Body President and Team Captain for both the Varsity Volleyball and Soccer teams are  just several of Kendall Joseph’s responsibilities as a senior, and her path throughout her years at McGehee has guided her towards leadership. As a junior, she was named a Citizenship Girl, one of the highest honors bestowed upon McGehee students and she also received her Letter Sweater the same year, the highest honor bestowed on a McGehee athlete. 

Kendall commented about her time at school, “I think McGehee has given me the ability to take control of my learning. I know that I will be able to schedule meetings with professors during office hours because we meet with our teachers all the time at school right now. I know how to study in an environment with other people including my friends, and manage my time to make sure I complete all assignments on time.” She mentioned Ms. Zitt and Ms. Westfall as two inspirational teachers for her. “Ms. Zitt's classes are so interesting, and I have learned more facts about different cultures and ways of life than I ever thought! She comes up with the most creative ways to test our knowledge to make sure we are not only taking tests. Our class is super small, so we are all close with Mrs. Zitt and each other which makes it even more enjoyable.”  ”Ms. Westfall has instilled the confidence in me to write a paper. After a couple of months in her class as a freshman, I felt like I was able to write a paper with good evidence. Now I have her class again as a senior and she continues to challenge my writing, making me a better student every single day. I am so thankful for her because she is always open to meet and help me refine any paper that I am writing. It will be hard next year not having her guidance, but I will be able to use all of the skills she taught me to have success.”

Kendall’s favorite McGehee tradition is May Day. She wrote, “We get to walk in, one by one, and all get to sit together and watch an entertaining skit put on by our little sister class. A lot of anticipation is around this day because we don't know the theme and we all can't wait to see how our little sisters act out our personalities. From third graders dancing around the May Pole, to the 10th grade skit, and now being a senior, May Day wraps up my time at McGehee in such a special way. I can't wait to sit in stage with my classmates and laugh, cry, and just reminisce on our time at McGehee.”

She summed up her 14+ years at McGehee, “I have had a really positive experience at McGehee with a great sense of community and support. Students and teachers are all there to help each other and want the best for one another. My favorite days are when we are able to come together for Spirit Day, sports, attending the musical, Big Sis, Little Sis, Singing on the Stairs, and numerous other events. I have made such great friendships in my class and other grades. It is going to be really hard leaving, but I know that I will keep up with the McGehee community when coming to sporting events or other activities back on campus to see everyone. Even though we are small it feels like we have a huge community because of all the connections we have to other grades.”

Kendall is headed to the University of Georgia this fall, writing, “After visiting I could really see myself there, and I am excited to branch out from New Orleans while at the same time not being too far from home.”

Daughter of Wendy Corona Joseph '88, Granddaughter of Helen Shaw Joseph '66

Grade Started at McGehee: Pre-K
Activities and Awards at McGehee:

  • Student Body President (12)
  • Executive Committee Representative (11)
  • National Honor Society (10, 11, 12)
  • Beta Club (10, 11, 12)
  • Citizenship Girl (11, 12)
  • Letter Sweater (11)
  • Academic Honors Award (9, 10, 11, 12)
  • Gelderman Scholarship (11, 12)
  • DAR Youth Citizenship Award (10)
  • Elise McGehee Alumnae Scholarship (9)
  • May Day Captain (10)
  • Student Ambassador (11, 12)
  • Varsity Soccer (9, 10, 11, 12); Team Captain (11, 12)
  • Varsity Volleyball (9, 10, 11, 12); Team Captain (12)
  • Varsity Track Team Manager (10)
  • Peer Support Leader (11, 12)
  • Relay for Life (9, 10)

Please note that grade started at McGehee only includes grades PK-12.
Activities and Awards include grades 9-12.